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Round Shank teeth

Material used:
Hard alloy head: high-end tungsten cobalt alloy
Wear resistant layer: hard alloy metallurgical composite material
Solder and flux: imported copper based solder and flux
Tooth body: High quality 42CrMo alloy steel
Technical parameters:
Surface hardness: Alloy head>87HRA
Wear resistant layer: 65-70HRC (far exceeding ordinary cutting teeth by 45-48)
Cutting head>50HRC
Shank: 38-42HRC

SKU: model-1 Category:

Diaphragm and cut-off wallsare specialist foundationengineering solutions for dams.deep excavations and retainingstructures.They can serve asa permanent or temporarymeasure, as part of a buildingconstruction, or take on asealing and/or load-bearingfunction, with characteristics such as low noise emissions and deeper construction depth.

Important distinguishing characteristics of HaoQuan Diaphragm Wall Cutting teeth

  •  high wear resistance and efficiency due to optimized tungsten carbide geometry
  •  tungsten carbide inserts made of high quality materials
  •  high grade of soldering between tungsten carbide inserts and holder
  •  secure fitting due to tight tolerances of the tooth holder
  •  cutting teeth are easily replaced or exchanged because of the tensioning pin design
  •  tooth holders are protected against wear because they fit within the outer surfaces of the mounting
  •  A large variety of the cutting teeth enable standard cutting wheels to be optimized for different soil conditions
